COVID-19 and Pregnancy

This is a time of great anxiety for everyone, and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused disruptions in all our lives. If you're pregnant and planning for your baby's birth, this could be an especially concerning time.
Whilst the news is encouraging for pregnancy and birth during this time, it's important to stay up to date with recommendations around COVID-19. Each day we are learning more about this virus and ways to prevent its spread.
At this early stage, COVID-19 does not appear to present an increased risk of complications during pregnancy. However, the general advice is to take steps to avoid any illnesses, especially during the first trimester when the baby is forming. Medical experts around are closely following pregnant women who have developed COVID-19, and their babies, in order to gain a better understanding.
Be informed and seek evidence-based information from medical and scientific experts and stick to reliable sources of information.

What should I do if I am pregnant and get Covid-19?

Below we have provided you with reliable sources of information for some of the most frequently asked questions:

  • Will my baby be ok?
  • Can I transmit the Covid-19 virus to my baby while pregnant?
  • What are the risks to my baby?
  • Can I still have a hospital birth?
  • Can I still breastfeed if I am diagnosed with Covid-19?
  • How can I prevent getting Covid-19?
  • How can I reduce my risk of catching Covid-19 during pregnancy?

These questions and more can be answered at the links below:
Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Coronavirus and Pregnancy
Covid-19 and Pregnancy – QLD Health

Where can I get reliable information about Coronavirus Covid-19?

The most up to date information is the Australian Government's HealthDirect website.
You can ring the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080 to discuss symptoms and testing facilities.
If you have symptoms, try the Symptom Checker
The World Health Organization is the global source of reliable information.
You can also visit Australian Government Department of Health or visit your local state or territory health authority website:

Remember, always speak to your maternity care provider if you have any concerns.

What should I do if I m feeling anxious?

Pregnancy is a time of increased likelihood of anxiety and depression. Speak with your healthcare provider if you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Symptoms vary between individual women and there is no one right way to feel. Remember, there is always help available. Check Beyond Blue for help.
You are not alone.

This article has been written and reviewed by Jane Barry, midwife and child health nurse on 9/04/2020

Due to the unprecedented nature of the coronavirus outbreak and our rapidly evolving understanding of it, we will endeavour to update this and related articles for ongoing accuracy. Please do visit the sites referenced in the article for the most recent information.

For more information see Baby health care or Baby Care.

Jane Barry Jane Barry
Written By Jane Barry
16/09/21 - min Read

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