NLittle baby asleep on mother's chest

Postnatal Care

What happens to you after the birth of your baby has been the last thing on your mind. Your hormones and emotions change rapidly after birth and can affect how you feel. It’s a good idea to have more of an understanding of how your body is likely to react after the birth of your baby.
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1. Will my period/menstrual flow change after giving birth?
The last thing you’ll feel like just after birth is exercise – and in the following weeks, what with all that breastfeeding, settling, bleeding and recovering from childbirth, it’s hard to get motivated to do much else.
Your length of stay in hospital will depend on whether you have delivered by caesarean, or a vaginal delivery.
Talking to your partner and discussing what both of your expectations are for when your baby comes home will help to relieve some of the stress you may experience.
For women there are many adjustments to be made once their baby is born.
Postnatal Emotional Care
After you have been home from the hospital for a few weeks you may feel like you would like to get back out into the real world.
After the lead up to, and euphoria of giving birth you can feel flat after the event.
We know that becoming a parent brings many big life adjustments, and for some the transition from pregnancy to parenthood will be easier for some than others for a whole range of reasons.
There can be a whole range of challenges that parents face in first weeks of becoming a parent.
Postnatal anxiety is very common, but often misread as stress or just put down to being part of a person s personality (being very organized, a perfectionist).

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