The Kids Safe Foundation


Kidsafe is the leading Australian, non-government, not-for-profit charitable organisation dedicated to preventing unintentional childhood injuries and reducing the resulting deaths and disabilities associated with childhood “accidents” in children under the age of 15 years.

In 1973 the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia was established and since this time childhood accidents and injuries have halved. Kidsafe was adopted as the trading name in 1993 and now operates in every state and community in Australia. Their goal is to further prevent children from unintentional injury and possibly death.

Each year about 350 Australian children (aged 0-14 years) are killed and 60,000 hospitalised by unintentional injuries – the kind often referred to as “accidents”. That equates to around 5,000 children requiring medical attention, 170 being admitted to hospital and 1 child dying each day. Most of these injuries occur in the home and at school and many of these are easily prevented by simple means.

Huggies strongly supports the effort and work of Kidsafe and highly recommend that parents contact Kidsafe for the latest safety information. Kidsafe can provide parents with great information via their website or by visiting their state head office. Your child’s safety is too important to put off. Arm yourself with the knowledge on how to prevent injuries from occurring.

For more information see Hospitals and organisations or Parenting

15/09/21 - min Read

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