St John ambulance

St John Ambulance Australia and New Zealand is a self-funding charitable organisation, active in all States and Territories, dedicated to helping people in sickness, distress, suffering or danger.

They been active in Australia for over a hundred years, and internationally are part of a wider organisation with a long and honourable history.

St John is Australia’s largest first aid trainer, teaching practical life-saving skills to around a quarter of a million people each year.

Huggies supports and endorses St John Ambulance Australia and New Zealand. We strongly encourage all parents to take part in the Caring for Kids First Aid course. Not only will you be contributing to a wonderful organisation but you could save a life, maybe even your child’s.

Who are they?

  • St John Ambulance is made up of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
  • They are from your local community.
  • They are people with a commitment to practical and compassionate caring.
  • They include 10,000 first aid volunteers.
  • In their familiar black and white uniforms, they provide first aid coverage at public events and wherever crowds gather.
  • They aim to fund their activities as far as possible from their own efforts, primarily through the marketing of first aid training and kits, with additional funding provided by private donations, bequests, trusts and corporate sponsorship.

What do they provide?

  • Three quarters of a million hours of voluntary service each year.
  • A capable and professional first aid service at community and public events; and to assist with national disaster relief activities.
  • Treatment for nearly 107,000 casualties across Australia in 2002.
  • Rigorous in-house volunteer training through annual skills maintenance programs to help volunteers stay at the cutting edge of first aid practice.
  • Quality first aid training from basic resuscitation skills to advanced life support and remote area survival.
  • Specialised training for people in high-risk industries such as mining and shipping, in remote areas, and with OH&S responsibilities.
  • First aid advice to business, industry and the community.
  • Authoritative texts on first aid.
  • Community care services for the aged, the infirm, the immobile and lonely.
  • Highly professional and cost-effective ambulance services in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
  • Hope to those in the Middle East blighted with eye disease, through their support for the St John Jerusalem Eye Hospital.

To learn more, visit the St John Ambulance website for Australia and New Zealand.

15/09/21 - min Read

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