Growing Grass Heads for Kids


Growing grass heads is an easy, fun activity for kids, and Yates new lawn seed Lush patch packs are the perfect size for such a project. Here’s some simple directions for how to go about it.

The head is formed from the toe of a stocking and the grass grows from the seed that’s sprinkled into the top of the head.

  1. Start by cutting the bottom section off a nylon stocking (or use knee-hi stockings). A toe piece approximately 20cm long should be just about right. This will allow enough space to stuff the toe and leave room to tie it up.
  2. The best way to purchase a small amount of lawn seed is by choosing one of the Yates Lush Patch packs. These 50gm packets of lawn seed are about the same size as a bean packet. There are two variations, Lush Repair Sun ‘n’ Shade or Lush Repair All Purpose, and either will do the job. Although they’ve been developed for patching and thickening lawns, they’re also ideal for growing grassy heads.
  3. Shake a generous sprinkling of seed into the toe of the stocking, then fill a moisture-holding medium that the grass will be able to get its roots into. Sphagnum moss is best because it’s light, clean and holds moisture well. Dampen and squeeze out the moss before stuffing it into the toe. Sphagnum moss is available from garden suppliers but, if you find it hard to get, you could use clean sawdust.
  4. After the toe is firmly filled and is about tennis ball size, fasten it at the bottom with a rubber band to enclose the contents. The next step is the creative stage – giving the head a face. Stick on or draw eyes and a mouth, preferably using waterproof pens or glue (kids will need some adult help with this).
  5. Then select a cup that’s about the right size to hold the head without allowing it to fall in. Fill it with water and place the head upside down on the cup, so that the top is just sitting in the water.
  6. When the top’s well moistened, remove the head and place it on a bright windowsill, out of direct sunlight. Check each day to make sure it remains moist. If the head starts to dry out, wet it again in the same way or by spraying with water from a trigger pack.

After a while (usually about a week) the grass shoots will start to sprout out from the top of the head. Keep them moist as they grow and give them an occasional spray with fertiliser. Half strength Thrive Soluble Plant Food or Thrive Concentrate Liquid Plant Food would be ideal. Once the grassy head’s hair is well established it can be given a haircut by trimming with scissors.

This information has been kindly supplied by Yates Australia. For more comprehensive information on gardening, water conservation and much more visit the Yates website or you can join the Yates Garden Club for free advice, competitions and promotions.

For more information see Gardening with kids or Parenting .

15/09/21 - min Read

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