12 Dads Share Advice They Wish They Got Sooner

From nappy pants to googling poop, these dads are giving future fathers the heads up they never got!

If the journey of fatherhood has thrown more than a few curveballs your way — we know exactly how you feel!

We've been part of enough dads and tots' lives know that the steep learning curve of fatherhood is universal — and who better to equip you with the insider knowledge that'll make this time smoother than other dads?

We tapped into our Huggies brains trust of dads around Australia to share with you 12 pieces of advice that'll help you along on the weird and wonderful adventure with your little one:

1. Be prepared for anything and know your (fully stocked) baby bag inside out.

"You can never be over-prepared. Ever. Make sure your nappy bag goes with you, everywhere. And make sure you know exactly where everything is inside. Ensure your supplies are always fully stocked and if you can, source Huggies Nappy Pants for the easiest change time — even when you're on-the-go. I didn't even know these things existed but they have proven a brilliant addition to my dad arsenal."

— Blake, new dad to Rudy

2. Learn the art of distraction!

"I learnt very quickly to implement some key distraction techniques. Now, 18 months in, I'm a seasoned hand and have my failsafe go-to moves. You can't go wrong with handing them a toy, a book, your keys, anything! If you have nothing within reach, point! Distraction will buy you some stillness during a nappy change or turn cries into concentration in record time."

— Jamie, dad to Olivia

3. Never skimp on the baby wipes, more is more.

"Have a surplus of good quality baby wipes in your home, the pram, the car and even the beach bag. You want wipes that can gently, but reliably, clean delicate baby skin. I go for Huggies Thick Baby Wipes Fragrance Free because in addition to being super gentle, I've found they get the job done in just one wipe.

It also doesn't hurt that baby wipes can just about cover any tracks — a food spill in the back of the car, an avocado stain on the new threads, the same avocado stain that transferred onto dad's shirt and of course, an all-out nappy disaster. More is more with usage too, go in prepared and it's guaranteed to be a good day."

— Jason, first time dad to Freddie

4. You'll look at your partner in a whole new light.

"I was not prepared for the shift in our marriage and the new appreciation I have for my wife. What she endured throughout the pregnancy and birth — the physical and mental challenges were beyond. And now, showing up every day for our little family and steering the ship, she really is a superhero in my eyes."

— Ken, dad to Dom, Vinnie and Charlotte

5. Nappy Pants change absolutely everything.

"My toddlers are major wrigglers and changing a nappy is always a wrestling match that often results in tears (for both of us). Enter Huggies Ultra Dry Nappy Pants — a discovery better than winning the lottery in our household! We use the Huggies brand and rate them highly, they cut our nappy change times in half and make things much easier to navigate with on-the-go changes. And when I say on-the-go, I mean it — I can change them even when they're running away from me because I can take their Nappy Pants off just by releasing the sides.

As much as their wriggling makes change time harder for me, I also appreciate that their Nappy Pants are incredibly flexible — and thin, but absorbent — so I know they're feeling free to explore and move."

— David, dad to Beau and Rocco

6. Get ready to google absolutely everything.

"From searching the scope of hues on the poop spectrum to the difference between a hungry, tired and a protest cry, I have quite literally googled it all. Nobody prepares you for the amount of things you're going to panic search at 3am in the morning."

— Juan, dad to Winnie and Alfred

7. Get ready to start speaking in the third person, forever.

"I laughed it off in the locker room and thought 'no, no that won't be me'. But the reality is, from the moment that little person is on the outside you're goo-ing and gaa-ing and speaking in the third person to engage with them as best you can. I don't even recognise myself these days — and I secretly love it!"

— Mauricio, first time dad to Walter

8. Watching sport at home on a Sunday is no longer relaxing.

"Goodbye to hours in front of the TV on a Sunday afternoon watching the cricket in air-conditioned peace with a smorgasbord of delicious snacks I don't have to share with anyone else."

— Dan, dad to Goldie, Minnie and Ted

9. Who you are will rub off on them more than you could ever imagine.

"Babies really do absorb so much, it absolutely blew my mind when my eight month old son started to mimic my hayfever sneeze!

What you do, how you speak, your habits — it's all being modelled for that little person to copy. Sometimes, it's a curse when you're having a moment and, sure, somewhat daunting, but mostly a blessing that you're able to shape and develop this curious little mind and watch it flourish."

— Michael, step-dad to Darcy

10. Your baby can be sleeping like a dream — and then you hit the four month mark. Beware.

"The four month sleep regression hit us like a tonne of bricks, I was totally clueless to this phenomenon. It's real and it can be brutal, good luck to any man or woman about to embark on this stage. Consult some trustworthy, credible resources for tips and tricks to navigate this hurdle."

— Jacques, dad to Etienne and Elodie

11. There's a better way than guessing which side of the nappy is the front and which is the back.

"Nobody tells you the detailed stuff, like how you can put a nappy on backwards. I switched to Huggies Ultra Dry Nappy Pants not only because of how reliable they are, but also because their nappies actually label the 'back'. Game changer."

12. And finally, bath time will become your favourite time.

"I never anticipated I would love bath time as much as I do. It's such a special time to bond with my children and gives my wife a well deserved break. It's actually become the highlight of my day."

— Adam, dad to Poppy and Ari

Life with a little one moves fast — and Huggies Nappy Pants are made to move through life with them.

Made with a super soft waist band, SlimFLEX absorbent core and easy tear open sides, Huggies Ultra Dry Nappy Pants have got you and baby — to make change time a breeze for everyone involved.

Written for Huggies by Buzzfeed, March 2022


15/09/21 - min Read

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