Tell Us About Your Toddler’s Nappy Changes And We’ll Reveal Their Change Time Personality

Let’s be real, toddlers rule the roost when it comes to most areas of life.

For many parents, nappy changes can often require pulling out all the stops. From singing, dancing, distractions or downright bribery — there's probably not a lot you wouldn’t do to get through a nappy change stress-free (right?!).

Choose the answer that's the closest match to change time with your little one to discover just what kind of change time personality is beneath the nappy.

1. The best nappy change position for your toddler is:

  1. Most positions — after a treat, a story and a song and dance.
  2. Standing, rolling, you name it – they’ll be on the move.
  3. It changes, but two pairs of hands are often needed.
  4. Lying down

2. Your toddler's feelings about change time would be best described as:

  1. It's an exciting mystery for all involved.
  2. Change time is almost definitely their favourite time of the day.
  3. An opportunity to test boundaries and pick up some new lingo.
  4. It's the perfect time to lean into being a budding nudist, right?

3. You’re rushing out the door and tell your toddler it’s nappy change time. What happens next?

  1. Every trick, distraction and bargaining chip is on the table.
  2. Tag, you're it! Now's the perfect time for some playtime, no?
  3. It's over so quickly you're left wondering who's rushing who.
  4. Those plans might as well have cancelled themselves…

4. The most common time for your toddler to do 'their business' is:

  1. Conveniently after a meal or before a bath.
  2. As soon as you’re in the car and about to head out.
  3. The moment the nappy is off.
  4. Anytime — and they'll usually talk through the process.

5. Finally, if all else fails, the following tricks usually work for your toddler at nappy change time:

  1. Busting out a countdown so they know a change is coming. Literally.
  2. Talking through what you're doing so your little one knows what you're doing next.
  3. No tricks needed as of yet — they're normally pretty compliant.
  4. Changing them on-the-go is the only way.

No matter what your toddler's changing time personality is, Huggies Nappy Pants are made to move — just like they do.

Huggies Nappy Pants are 25% less bulky and 70% more flexible*, thanks to Huggies' most advanced moisture lock technology yet. Huggies have got your little one covered whether they're sprinting, dancing and everything in between.

*vs previous triple layer technology.


Angelic Cherub

You’ve got an Angelic Cherub who loves change time and rarely kicks up a fuss. You’ve hit the nappy changing jackpot with your little one. They might not cooperate in all areas of life — but they sure do love a clean bum (take that as a win!). Sometimes even asking for a nappy change, the Angelic Cherub requires very little intervention and likes to keep things squeaky clean.

So, you (and them) will certainly appreciate the oh-so comfy and easy to use Huggies Ultra Dry Nappy Pants. They’ve been specifically designed with maximum comfort in mind — so it's all playtime from here, baby!

Swift Ninja

You’ve got a Swift Ninja who loves to mix up their change time behaviours depending on their mood. If there’s one thing that’s consistent about your toddler — it’s that they’ve mastered the element of surprise when it comes to nappy changes. One minute, they’re lying there compliant and ready for the change. The next, they’re rolling out of reach and climbing on furniture. They sure are entertaining though.

Regardless, you (and them) will certainly appreciate the oh-so comfy and easy to use, Huggies Ultra Dry Nappy Pants. They’ve been specifically designed with maximum comfort in mind — so it's all playtime from here, baby!

Sassy Firecracker

You’ve got a Sassy Firecracker who knows what they want (and don’t want) and isn’t afraid to communicate it. Your toddler would probably be quite happy to stay in the nude and absolutely hates nappy changes. You’ve tried singing, dancing, the whole works — but mostly, nothing really helps. They’re probably an absolute breeze in other areas of life, but the nappy changing aversion is real. But hey, at least toilet training will hopefully be a breeze!

You (and them) will certainly appreciate the oh-so comfy and easy to use Huggies Ultra Dry Nappy Pants in the meantime though. They’ve been specifically designed with maximum comfort in mind — so it's all playtime from here, baby!

Curious Commentator

You’ve got a Curious Commentator who likes to ask a lot of questions and commentate their 'nappy business'. Who would have thought your toddler could already be showing the gift of the gab when it comes to nappy changing? Whether they’re inquisitively asking questions, describing the consistency of their ‘business’ or negotiating the terms of their nappy change — your toddler has mastered the art of negotiation already.

You (and them) will certainly appreciate the oh-so comfy and easy to use Huggies Ultra Dry Nappy Pants. They’ve been specifically designed with maximum comfort in mind — so it's all playtime from here, baby!

Written for Huggies by Buzzfeed. March 2022

Originally appeared

15/09/21 - min Read

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